Post Office Box 8925 - Mandeville, LA  70470

Phone 985.276.9861   email:

Advertising on NDA's Virtual Classifieds

NDA encourages communication between members of our dental community and we're proud to support that endeavor through the Virtual Classifieds. The Virtual Classifieds can be used to share information such as:

Employment opportunities posted by potential employers

Employment inquiries posted by potential employees

Equipment for sale



Advertising Guidelines

NDA is proud of the integrity of it's members and the dental community, however, NDA does not endorse, promote, guarantee, recommend or accept liability for any outcome related to the information provided in any ad.   Please use all reasonable precautions to do business safely both online and in person, and be aware of HIPAA Guidelines and Privacy Practices.

  • Ads will be run for 30 days unless NDA is contacted to discontinue the ad prior to the natural termination date.  
  • Ads will be listed in sections labeled "Employment", "Announcements" or "For Sale",  whichever is appropriate.
  • Ad copy is limited to 50 words or less.
  • Ads must include an email address and phone number as methods of contact for interested parties.
  • Ad copy will be reviewed and if approved for posting confirmation email will be sent including a link to make payment if necessary.
  • Advance payment is required for ads to be posted.

Advertising Fees

All NDA members in good standing:

$0 (subject to change pending demand, frequency of use, or unforeseen complication with this plan) 

Non-members including docs, team members, and non-commercial parties:  

$25 per ad for first month

$15 for each additional month if renewed in advance (max of 3 months)

Commercial Parties: The Virtual Classifieds is intended for non-commercial party use only.  Commercial parties seeking to get involved with NDA should refer to the following:  Meeting Sponsorship Agreement   Meeting Sponsorship Disclosure

Ready to advertise?  Submit your ad below: